How to develop an email marketing stratey like a pro

Thinking about starting your own newsletter? Or maybe you’re already doing email marketing but want to take it to the next level? Then it’s time to create an email marketing strategy. Having a strategy is key to long-term success with your marketing. I’m here to show you how to create an email strategy and share some helpful tips and tricks along the way.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a branch of online or digital marketing that involves all activities related to emails. This includes things like regular newsletters, email marketing automation, and direct communication with customers via email.

Email marketing is a staple in the marketing efforts of successful businesses. It’s one of the most effective and cost-efficient marketing channels. All you need to get started is an email marketing tool and a solid strategy. I’ll show you how to create one here.

How do I do Email Marketing?

The short answer: you write and send emails. It’s really that simple. However, to make sure your email marketing is successful, you should start by taking the time to create an email marketing strategy. This lays the groundwork for a more targeted approach. While it may seem like extra work at first, it pays off in the long run. A good strategy helps you choose the right email marketing tool and find topics for your newsletters.

What types of email marketing are there?

There are many different types of email marketing. Generally, I categorize them into newsletters and email automations or funnels. These can be further broken down into categories like:

  • Promotional emails
  • Newsletter emails
  • Lead nurturing emails
  • Survey emails
  • Milestone emails
  • Welcome emails
  • Dedicated emails
  • Re-engagement emails
  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Transactional emails

How much does email marketing cost?

When you’re just starting out, email marketing only costs you your time, as most email marketing tools offer free versions or trial periods.

However, once you’ve built up a substantial contact list, you’ll likely need to upgrade to a paid version of your email tool. Fortunately, these aren’t expensive. Depending on the provider and features, costs for an email marketing system can range from 10 to 100 euros per month. Otherwise, sending newsletters usually doesn’t incur any additional costs.

Of course, you should also factor in the time you spend or the cost of hiring a team member or freelancer. All in all, email marketing is a relatively affordable marketing channel.

Creating an Email Marketing Strategy – 5 Steps

Let’s get started! Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to create your email marketing strategy. Here are the five most important steps. This is just the foundation, so feel free to dive deeper if you want a more thorough strategy. Plus, your email marketing strategy should be integrated into your overall marketing plan. You can find a detailed guide not just for your email marketing strategy but for your entire online marketing strategy in the Online Marketing Strategy Planner.

Set Goals

If you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t get there. That’s why you should start by setting your email marketing goals. After all, you wouldn’t start driving without knowing your destination.

Your goals should be as specific as possible. A popular framework is SMART goals. If you’re a fan of this method, feel free to structure your email goals this way.

If you’re not familiar with SMART goals or don’t find them helpful, just make sure your goals meet the following criteria:

  • Specific
  • As detailed as possible
  • Measurable
  • Motivating
  • Ambitious yet realistic
  • Goals that you can influence

Know Your Audience

Next, create your customer avatar. This helps you speak directly to your ideal customers. With a clear customer avatar in mind, crafting your strategy becomes much easier. You’ll know exactly what topics interest your audience, how often they want to hear from you, which content resonates the most, and so on. Unfortunately, many people skip this step because they’re unsure how to create a meaningful customer avatar. Don’t make that mistake! A well-defined avatar puts you ahead of most of your competitors.

Create an Email Marketing Plan

Now that you know what you want to achieve and what resonates with your audience, it’s time to turn that into a concrete marketing plan. Your email marketing plan should outline when you’ll send which emails. It’s crucial to plan holidays and campaigns well in advance so you’re ready for key moments like Black Friday.

Also, don’t forget company-specific events. If you’re launching a course or introducing a new product, make sure to include it in your email marketing plan. This way, you stay organized and can strategically plan these events.

Send Your Newsletter

Now for the main event: sending your emails. Once you’ve created your marketing plan, all that’s left is to follow it. It’s best to prepare your emails at least a week before sending them. Take your time to craft engaging content, write compelling subject lines, and proofread everything. Send yourself a test email to check the appearance and all links. Once you’re happy with it, hit send!

Analyze & Optimize Your Email Marketing

Out of sight, out of mind? Not with email marketing. If you want to improve and ensure your strategy is working, you should regularly analyze your emails. Most newsletter tools offer great analytics features—use them!

Depending on how often you send newsletters, set aside at least an hour each week or month to review your email marketing. Look at metrics like your open rate, click-through rate, hard and soft bounces, unsubscribes, and so on, and document them. I use an Excel or Google spreadsheet for this. These numbers will help you understand what’s working and what isn’t. Create an action plan with specific things you want to optimize.

Finding an email marketing freelancer

Want to start or expand your email marketing but don’t have the time or desire to handle it yourself? Then get professional help! I can help you create your email marketing strategy, choose the right tools, and manage your regular newsletter sends. Reach out to me, and happy mailing!

Hi, ich bin Sarah

Online Marketing Expertin für deinen erfolgreichen Unternehmensauftritt mit Strategie & Sympathie.


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